Monday, September 21, 2009

Lost hope

Perspective; Ralph

Out of the most of the things that I'm having trouble with adjusting myself to is the working. It feels weird to have almost all the other boys not working and me working my butt off for them. It doesn't seem really fair sometimes but I can't really blame them. This is a beautiful island.

The littluns are doing little to help with setting up life here, but I can't expect much from them. They are small and don't have a very good attention span. They spend their time eating any fruit they can find, bathing, playing with each other, and so many other stuff that I don't know of, I can't watch them all the time.

All the boys left to hunt for pigs and they had painted their faces so that the pigs don't see them. It seems like they are losing control over themselves and reverting to the wild side. They are going mad little by little. When they paint their faces they seem as if they are a totally different group of people.

While the boys were away they left the fire unattended. While a ship passes by the island the fire is out. So there is no smoke for them to see. We could have been saved but they went off for a pig. Then the ship left with out us.

The fire went out because all the boys went off to kill a pig. I mean, yes, I craved the meat too, but it didn't matter to me as much as being saved did. They all left it and it was Jack's fault that they all left. It was also his responsibility to keep it going. When all the boys go all rowdy again I know that I have too call a meeting. It has to bring their attention that their behavior is out of control.

1 comment:

  1. you have a little problems with some of your grammer it just doesn't sound right. you did a very good job describing what happened in the chapter. you also did good with describing the evnts from the characters point of view. remember to have the heading thing where you put the chapters title your tile and perspective ms g has in example in her blog on the second post
